Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Creating books using Calaméo

Hi readers! The last three days we've done our last work of the course, a dictionary for children using Calaméo and only CC (Creative Common) images. In our case about animals. Have a look and if you like it (or not) comment bellow telling us your thougths:

Monday, June 3, 2013

Making a form using Google Drive.

Hi readers!

The last 2 days we've been doing forms using Google Drive. It's very easy to do them there and and the tools are quite OK. In my case I've done it to know what people think abaut the school I'm studying the Laskorain Ikastola. Here you have it:

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Technology Quiz Created Using Hot Potatoes

Hi readers! The last couple of days we've been learning how to use Hot Potatoes to create quiz. In my case, I've done it about Technology. You have it bellow so that you can do it. Good luck, you will need it.

Quiz about Technology <!-- Made with executable version 6.3 Release 0 Build 4

Quiz about Technology

Answer the 20 questions related to technology before the time ends. Be careful, you will only have 4'. Do you think that you can beat me?

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Creating mindmaps using Mind42

Hi readers!
This week we've been learning how to do mindmaps using It is very easy to use and sinple. However, you can't put a node wherever you want and the web has some limitations. Here you have the result, in my case about the inside of the PCs:

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Subtitling videos using

Hi readers!

The last couple of days we've been subtitling music videos using In this page, as I've just said, you can put subtitles to any videos but it's biggest advantage is that you can do it online, that's a big point in favour.

To subtitle a video, you only have to upload it, transcribe what the video is saying and then translate the lyrics to the languages you want, that's all. It's really easy to use and more inportant you can do all online, without installing any program. However, you don't have much options such as different fonts, size, position... But still I like it and I've enjoyed doing the work.

Monday, April 8, 2013

How free the world really is?

Hi readers!

The last days we've doing (Kepa, Ander and me) a poster about human rigths in our case specified in the freedom of the mankind. Here you have the result:

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Izadi Photo

Hi readers!
These days we've been doing our virtual business website (using google sites) and this is the cause why I hadn't posted anything. In my case, I imagined that I'am a photographer and to make me known I created the site. If you want to visit click here. And don't forget that the bussines is not real!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Summary of the 1st term in ICT's

Hi readers!

Sadly, the Christmas holidays ended, I hope you enjoyed them. After having a break, I'm here again with the last work we've done. It is the summary of the 1st term made with Slideshare. The first thing we did, is to prepare the presentation in Google Docs/Drive. Then, we recorded the audio using a program called Audacity. After that, we upload the presentation and the recording to slidehare, and finally synchronise it. Here you have the resulting (final) presentation: